[ISV] - [2024Winter] - [en] - [Scientific Visualization]

Scientific Visualization [2024 SoSe]
Scientific Visualization
one semester
every 3rd semester
Lecture 4 SWS + Exercise 2 SWS
240 h; thereof
90 h on-campus program
15 h exam preparation
135 h independent study and exercises (possibly in groups)
M.Sc. Angewandte Informatik
M.Sc. Data and Computer Science
M.Sc. Scientific Computing
Filip Sadlo
Examination scheme
Learning objectives The students understand fundamental and advanced concepts of scientific visualization. They understand the mathematical fundamentals, data structures, and implementation aspects. They get to know schemes for interpolation and integration, mapping for scalar, vector, and tensor fields, and derived approaches. The students understand approaches for direct and indirect volume rendering, feature extraction, and topology-based analysis. The students are able to apply these concepts to real-world problems using existing software packages, and develop small programs using visualization libraries.
Learning content - Introduction
- Visualization Process
- Data Sources and Representation
- Interpolation and Filtering
- Approaches for Visual Mapping
- Scalar Field Visualization: Advanced Techniques for Contour Extraction, Classification, Texture-Based Volume Rendering, Volumetric Illumination, Advanced Techniques for Volume Visualization, Pre-Integration, Cell Projection, Feature Extraction
- Vector Field Visualization: Vector Calculus, Particle Tracing on Grids, Vector Field Topology, Vortex Visualization, Feature Extraction, Feature Tracking
- Tensor Field Visualization: Glyphs, Hue-Balls and Lit-Tensors, Line-Based Visualization, Tensor Field Topology, Feature Extraction
Requirements for participation strongly recommended is: Computer Graphics (ICG)
recommended are: Einführung in die Praktische Informatik (IPI), Programmierkurs (IPK), Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (IAD)
Requirements for the assignment of credits and final grade The module is completed with a graded oral or written examination. The final grade of the module is determined by the grade of the examination. The requirements for the assignment of credits follows the regulations in section modalities for examinations.
Useful literature C.D. Hansen, C.R. Johnson, The Visualization Handbook, 2005.