Knowledge Management and Decision-Making in Software Engineering [2024 SoSe] | ||
Code ISWKM |
Name Knowledge Management and Decision-Making in Software Engineering |
LP 3 |
Dauer one semester |
Angebotsturnus every second winter semester |
Format lecture + exercise 2 SWS |
Arbeitsaufwand lecture + exercise 90 h all together, thereof: 30 h lecture + exercise 15 h preparation for exam 45 h self-study and homework (optionally in groups) |
Verwendbarkeit M.Sc. Angewandte Informatik M.Sc. Data and Computer Science |
Sprache English |
Lehrende Andrea Herrmann |
Prüfungsschema |
Lernziele | The participants know advanced software engineering techniques which support decision-making during requirements prioritization, design, management decisions and risk management. The know how to manage knowledge in every day work life and got an introduction into decision theory. | |
Lerninhalte | knowledge management onthologies and Grounded Theory reverse engineering, code metrics learning organization storytelling decision-making and decision theory management decisions, business case risk management requirements prioritization decision-making in design: ATAM, SAAM, CBAM decision-making under uncertainty Mathematical Economics decision-making with several parties: Harvard concept, negotiations, Game Theory Decision Traps and Biases ethical decisions and machine ethics |
Teilnahme- voraus- setzungen |
recommended are: Einführung in Software Engineering (module ISW) or comparable competences | |
Vergabe der LP und Modulendnote | The module is completed with a graded (oral or written) examination. The grade of the module is the grade of the examination. Prerequisite for the participation in the exam are 50% of the points for the homework. | |
Nützliche Literatur | Raiffa, Howard; Richardson, John; Metcalfe, David: Negotiation analysis - the science and art of collaborative decision making, Belknap, Cambridge, 2002 or 2007 |